Metacourse Information

What is it? A metacourse is a master course that combines multiple courses into one large course for easy course management. Click Here to request one now

Can I still view the two courses separately? Within the metacourse, you can view/filter by each sub-course separately via the built-in groups (each sub course added to a metacourse creates a separate group) for purposes of grading assignments, quizzes, etc., and directly in the gradebook. Learn how below.

What if one course/section gets ahead of another or I have different assignments or timelines for the different courses/sections? Using the Conditional Access and Restrict Access options available within each topic and Moodle module, you can restrict or allow access based on a set of criteria (date, group, user, etc.).

Filter Metacourse sub-courses

Your Metacourse has built-in groups for your sub courses, but Group Mode is NOT enabled by default for the course.

First enable Group Mode for your Metacourse.

  1. Click Settings from the navigation menu at the top of your course page.
2. Scroll down to Groups and expand the setting. Toggle Group Mode from No Groups to Separate Groups
groupmodemaincourse menu

3. Click Save and display at the bottom of the page to save settings.

Next, we need to set the assignment or module itself to group mode.

  1. Click into the assignment or activity from your Moodle course.
  2. Click Settings from the navigation menu at the top of the module menu. See example below.

3. Scroll down to Common Module Settings and expand the setting. Toggle group mode from No groups to either Visible or Separate Groups.

4. Click Save and Display to save changes. (This puts the module – Assignment in this case- into group mode)

Finally, view or assign based on group mode.

  1. Click into the assignment or module to get to the grading summary and easily toggle between group views.

NOTE: Once Group Mode is set for the course, the Gradebook automatically provides filters for grading as below:

Conditional Access and Restrict Access options

Using Conditional Access and Restrict Access options allows you to provide content availability to one group and not the other, or different availabilities to each group.

  1. Once group mode is set for the course and the activity (i.e. Assignment, Quiz, etc.), click into the activity from your course page then click Settings from the navigation menu at the top of the page.

2. Scroll down to Common Module Settings and expand. Then click the Add Group/Grouping Access Restriction button.

This adds the option to add the group restriction to the Restrict Access section below.

3. From the Group dropdown menu, select the group you wish to create the restriction for. (Example: allow only Group 1 to access this assignment.)

*If you want the activity/assignment to only be VISIBLE to the restricted group, click the eyeball to hide the activity from anyone NOT meeting the criteria = belonging to Group 1. Otherwise, all groups will SEE the activity, but only Group 1 can access it.

4. You can also set additional restrictions to the same set of restrictions, such as by Date. For example: (Group 1 can only access this assignment until October 12.)

Notice the ALL (student must meet all conditions). Date restriction (from vs. until), and remember the visibility on the course page for those NOT in the selected group or date.

If you click the eyeball for Group1 restriction, but not the date, Group 2 will never see the assignment, but Group 1 will and will be able to access it until October 12 at midnight. If you click the eyeball for both Group 1 restriction and Date, Group 1 will NOT see the assignment After Oct 12 at midnight.

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